Sunday, December 4, 2011

#16. Explain a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dillema you have faced and its impact on you.

An expirience that still has impact on me is the first time that i stayed home alone. it was about 3 or 4 years ago. I woke up and there was nobody home it was a saturday, i called my mom and they had left to see my grandparents early and didn't want to wake me up so they let me sleep. I was kind of confused at first and i turned on the TV in the living room, after a while i got hungry and thougth about what i wanted to eat for breakfast, im not really sure what i had for breakfast but im pretty sure it was french fries and nutella.I decided to eat in the living room laying down in the sofa because i am never allowed to do that and bougth a movie on pay per view and passed out after a while, i never did finish that movie.After that i had a grilled cheese for lunch, only because we have that machine to make them fast, and i kept eating ice cream and ordered pizza.I remeber it getting dark out and not really being nervous intil it was time to sleep i was a little worried.I tried to stay up but couldn't , this expirience served me because i learned to take care of myslef even though it was in a limited way it was a big thing for me as i was about 11 years old .

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